Coffee Cup Cake

Rating: 3.6866 / 5.00 (67 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Coffee cake:

Cocoa glaze:



For the coffee cup cake, line coffee cups with Kronenöl Spezial with fine butter flavor and sprinkle with flour. Preheat oven to 160 °C (top and bottom heat).

Sift flour and baking powder, mix almonds and the coarsely chopped chocolate with the flour.

Beat eggs, powdered sugar, salt, vanilla sugar and the grated lemon peel until foamy (at least 10 min.). Slowly pour in Kronenöl Spezial with fine butter flavor and continue beating for about 1 minute. Alternately fold in the cold espresso and the flour mixture. Pour into coffee cups (3/4 full) and bake in the oven for about 25 minutes on the middle rack.

Remove from oven, let cool in pan for 10 min, turn out of pan and let cool completely. For the cocoa glaze, whisk together confectioners’ sugar, rum, 1/2 tsp. fine butter-flavored Kronenöl Spezial, water and cocoa. Pour glaze over cake and top with chocolate beans. Allow glaze to set.

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