Lukewarm Romanesco Salad

Rating: 1.0 / 5.00 (1 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



1. clean cabbage, rinse, divide into not too small roses. Make in salted water about 15 minutes, drain well on a sieve. Stir vinegar with pepper, sugar, salt and oil, pour over the still warm roses form and infuse for about 1 hour. Transfer to a platter.

2. clean spring onions, rinse, cut into rings. Cut peppers in half, remove stems, seeds, rinse, drain and cut into small pieces. Cut eggs into cubes, add spring onions as well as peppers, season with salt and season with pepper. 3. stir crem legere and the raw egg in a saucepan, heat over medium heat, stirring throughout with a whisk (but do not make ), season boue with salt as well as paprika and mold half over the romanesco. Evenly distribute vegetable mixture over it. Rinse thyme or cilantro, dry and sprinkle over vegetables. Bring the vegetables to the table and serve with the remaining sauce.

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