For the salad dressing, boil the chicken stock and add the lavender honey and lime juice. Remove 4 flowers from the lavender sprigs and steep in the salad dressing for approx. 5 min. Season with 1 pinch of salt and a little pepper and thicken with a little olive oil.
Cut the small zucchini fruits that are on the flowers into fine strips and warm them briefly in the lavender vinaigrette.
3. break the goat cheese into irregular pieces, arrange in deep plates with the lavender zucchini salad dressing.
Mix potato starch and baking powder. iced water and egg whites, stir into the Maizena (cornstarch) until a smooth tempura dough is formed.
Divide the zucchini flowers into their segments, pull them through the dough and fry them in oil. Arrange over the goat cheese. Decorate the dessert with the lavender sprigs.
Tip: Zucchini is a type of squash, so it’s low in calories, high in vitamins and easy to digest – just the thing for a light meal!