Roe Deer Cutlet with Spicy Blueberry Bread

Rating: 5.0 / 5.00 (1 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)


Roe deer cutlets:


(*) Bread: for a cake springform pan of about 24 cm ø, greased, sprinkled with ground hazelnuts. For 4 people, mix flour, ground hazelnuts, finely chopped thyme leaves, salt, black pepper and crushed juniper berries in a baking bowl. Add remaining bread ingredients (except blueberries), knead into a soft, smooth dough. Cover and let rise at room temperature for about

to double in size for about an hour.

Knead blueberries thoroughly into the finished dough. Place the dough in the prepared baking pan, spread it evenly and let it rise for another thirty minutes.

Bake for about fifty minutes on the lowest rack of the oven heated to 200 °C. Remove from the oven, brush the surface with a little water.

Remove, brush surface with a little water, cool briefly. Remove the edge of the pan and cool the bread on a rack.

Roe deer cutlets: Heat clarified butter in a pan. Add meat in portions, dust with flour, roast for about two minutes, remove, season.

Reduce temperature, perhaps add a little clarified butter. Sauté onion, add wine, bring to a boil, reduce to half. Add cranberry jam, add stock and cream, bring to boil, reduce heat, simmer gently for about five minutes until sauce is creamy.

Add meat again, just heat, season, bring to the table on the spot.

Our tip: use your favorite red wine for cooking!

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