Boil the beuschel in salted water with the root, onion, peppercorns, thyme, bay leaf and vinegar until soft. Then let it cool, or even freeze a little. Cut into fine noodles and trim well.
Make a light roux with some fat and flour. Fry the finely chopped onion together with the chopped parsley and pour in the Beuschel broth. Season with a splash of vinegar, thyme, a little lemon juice and mustard. Add the sliced beuschel and the root vegetables cut into strips and simmer gently for some more time. But be careful: it sticks very easily to the bottom of the pot!
Now let the finished Beuscherl cool down, squeeze a little and form into small dumplings. Freeze them slightly.
Coat them in flour, egg and breadcrumbs and fry them carefully in hot fat. Serve with marinated lettuce and garnish with mayonnaise.