Milken Gratin with Asparagus

Rating: 3.0 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 8.0 (servings)



Look forward to this fine asparagus recipe:

Soak milks well and poach in soup, diced vegetables and white wine. Skin milks, pluck into large pieces, keep warm in a little stock.

Prepare asparagus (ready to cook, e.g. peel, remove woody parts and dirt), boil in salted water. Cut ends into two-inch-long pieces, set tips aside for garnish.

Make a roux with butter and flour. Whip cream.

Boil poaching stock to four dl, thicken with the roux. Reduce veloute sauce for about twenty minutes, season to taste. Warm milk and asparagus sections well drained evenly distribute in deep plates. Mix whipped cream and Dutch sauce into the veloute. Garnish with the sauce, glaze / bake briefly under the top heat. Garnish with the asparagus tips.

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