Wild Ducks on Lentils

Rating: 3.0 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Burn 1, 5 kg of coal briquettes. Rinse the ducks well, rub them dry and remove the fat glands on the rump. Season each inside with salt and stuff with thyme and an onion cut in half. On the coals, sear the ducks in a 12-inch Dutch Oven on all sides until they begin to color. Remove the ducks from the Dutch oven and skim off the excess fat. Chop the remaining onions and cut the bacon into strips. Sauté together with ten briquettes under the cooking pot until the onions become translucent. Add the washed lentils and the chilies, mix well and extinguish with the clear soup. Season the ducks well with salt and season with pepper, put them on the lentils and close the cooking pot with the lid. Put 18 briquettes on it and finish steaming for 80 min. Pour clear soup from time to time.

Our tip: Use bacon with a fine smoky touch!

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