Tiramisu with Caramel Cookies and Raspberries

Rating: 3.8861 / 5.00 (79 Votes)

Total time: 30 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)



For the tiramisu with caramel cookies and raspberries, wash the orange and grate the peel. Set aside 6 cookies, crumble the remaining cookies (blender).

Wash raspberries and again set aside some nice fruit for garnish. Blend cream cheese, cream, orange zest, Cointreau, maple syrup, sugar and vanilla bean grate until smooth.

Pour a few spoonfuls of cream into dessert bowls or glasses, sprinkle cookie crumbs on top and scatter a few raspberries on top. Pour in more cream followed by crumbs and raspberries. Finish with a dollop of cream.

Now place the tiramisu in the icebox and let it sit for a few hours. Before serving, sprinkle the tiramisu with the remaining crumbs.

Decorate with raspberries and one caramel cookie each. Serve the tiramisu with caramel cookies and raspberries.

Preparation Tip:

If you do not want to use alcohol in the Tirmisu, squeeze the organic orange and stir the orange juice into the cream instead of the Cointreau.

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