Salmon with Herb Sauce – Salmon en Salsa Verde

Rating: 5.0 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Rinse spinach and let drain properly. Chop finely in combination with cilantro and parsley in a cutter or alternatively with a large kitchen knife.

Cut chilies or alternatively jalapenos in half, stone, cut into strips and chop them very finely. Mix with the spinach-kitchen herb mixture, half the amount of lime juice, and olive oil to form a paste. Season lightly with salt.

Cut salmon fillet in half diagonally. Sprinkle both pieces of salmon with the remaining lime juice and season with salt and pepper.

Place one salmon half, skin side down, in a greased baking dish and spread with half the amount of the spinach and kitchen herb paste. Place the second half of the fish, skin side up, on top.

Meanwhile, braise salmon in oven heated to 160 degrees on the second lowest rack for 25-30 minutes. The fish is fork-tender when the skin on top comes off easily, cut it out.

To serve, cut the double salmon fillet into tranches and offer with the remaining spinach-herb paste. It goes well with dry rice or fresh white bread, but ditto the “drunken” beans.

Our tip: There are many different types of beans – try a new one!

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