Rider Tongue with Caper Sauce

Rating: 2.6 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)




Put all the ingredients for the beef tongue in a saucepan with tap water. The tongue must be covered all around. Cook on the stove over medium heat for 2 to 21/2 h, until the tip is soft Cook the roux, that is, make butter hot in a frying pan, add the flour and stir until smooth without lumps. Allow to cool Heat the cow’s milk, add the cold roux and stir with a whisk until bubbly and thickened Important: The sauce must not boil on the stove afterwards! Add the capers with a little bit of vinegar, season, mix and add to the sauce just before serving. Mix the egg yolks with the cream (create a liaison) and add to the sauce just before serving.

To serve, slice the tongue thinly, offer it on the plate and cover it with the caper sauce, as well as the long grain rice. As greens are traditionally served dried beans

Our tip: never cook beans covered, then they will be easier to digest.

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