Prättigauer Pitte, From the Grisons Region

Rating: 4.6 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)


For garnish:


Try this delicious cake recipe:

Prättigauer Pitte: Yeast pastry with Kletzen from the Grisons.

Soak Kletzen overnight in water. The following day, provided that still hard, soften for about 20 min. Drain water, cool, remove stalk and fly, cut into small cubes.

Mix flour, sugar and salt in a baking bowl.

Melt butter in a small pan, cool a tiny bit. Add the egg and mix well. Mix yeast with milk and add, mix well and only then add to flour form. Beat to an elastic dough, add pear pieces and continue beating briefly (the dough can of course also be cooked well with the dough hook of the food processor).

Pour into the greased baking tray and spread evenly (to spread the dough on the baking tray, dip your hands in lukewarm water), leave in a warm place to rise by twice as much.

Brush the surface with beaten egg white, sprinkle with hail sugar and flaked almonds.

Bake for about 35 minutes on the second rack from the bottom of the oven heated to 180 °C. Cool the pitte slightly, remove from the mold.

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