Mushrooms in Cheese Coat on Autumn Salad

Rating: 2.7143 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Have fun preparing this mushroom dish!

Mix breadcrumbs with grated cheese, beat eggs, season with salt and pepper. Rub mushrooms well with kitchen paper, cut in half, season with salt and pepper, flour, pull through egg, turn in breadcrumb-cheese mixture to the other side.

Peel onions, dice finely, mix well with grape juice, mango balsamic vinegar, chutney, canola oil, green peppercorns, season with salt and pepper. Leaf up chicory, clean, rinse and drain lettuces, dry, spin and shred a little.

Fry mushrooms in hot clarified butter until golden, place on paper towels and dry well.

Pile salads on plates to form a nice bouquet, tuck chicory leaves all around, coat with marinade and spread mushrooms evenly on top.

412 Kcal – 24 g fat – 14 g egg white – 34 g carbohydrates – 2, 5 Be (bread units)

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