For layered pancakes first prepare the dough.
For this, stir the flour, milk, sugar and eggs and then bake large, thin pancakes. There should be 10 pieces. Grate the nuts and chocolate. Mix the curd cheese with the egg yolk, the egg white beaten to snow, the lemon peel and some sugar.
Place one pancake in a buttered ovenproof dish, sprinkle with ground nuts. On the next pancake put chocolate, then apricot jam and raisins. On the following pancake, curd cheese mixture and so on. On top of this comes an empty pancake.
These layered pancakes are pre-baked in the oven, then taken out and the top layer is evenly spread with sweet beaten egg white. The whole thing is put in the oven again until the egg whites have turned color.
Sprinkle with vanilla sugar and serve immediately.
Preparation Tip:
For layered pancakes you can use different nuts.