Lactose Free Vanilla Strawberry Mint Layered Dessert

Rating: 3.371 / 5.00 (62 Votes)

Total time: 30 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)



For the vanilla-strawberry-mint layered dessert, make a fruit puree with some strawberries and mint leaves. Take a pretty glass, roughly chop a biscuit and spread it in the glass.

Put half a cup of lactose-free vanilla yogurt on top, add a tablespoon of the strawberry-mint puree and a sliced strawberry.

Then again sponge cake, yogurt, puree and strawberries. Take the last biscuit to crumble on top. Put in the refrigerator and leave to infuse for several hours.

Preparation Tip:

Decorate the vanilla-strawberry-mint layered dessert with a strawberry and mint leaves before serving, if desired!

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