Hummus – Chickpea Puree

Rating: 3.25 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour



For hummus, first rinse the chickpeas and soak them for one night. Boil the chickpeas with a liter of water for 2 hours at low temperature.

Cut off the onion and garlic and sauté them in the oil without coloring. Add the cooked chickpeas and heat. Grind the chickpeas with the garlic and tahina, yogurt, onion and lemon juice in a food processor. If the mixture is too firm, add a tiny bit of cooking liquid. Season with salt. Arrange hummus in a bowl.

In a frying pan, brown the butter and toast the pine nuts. Put them on the hummus and sprinkle with paprika powder.

Preparation Tip:

Hummus tastes good as a spread or dip.

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