Peel, core and coarsely chop apples. Cut tomatoes into quarters and remove the seeds. Put all the waste together with the spices in a cloth (tea towel). Tie the cloth with a thread and leave overnight with the tomato and apple mixture. Peel and coarsely chop the onions. Place the apples, tomatoes, onions and vinegar in a pot and let marinate overnight in the refrigerator. Grate the lemons, squeeze the juice and add to the pot with the remaining ingredients. Cook slowly until the liquid has almost evaporated (about 1 hour). Pour hot into jars, cover with about 2 tablespoons of olive oil and seal tightly.Serving tip: Is particularly suitable with Indian dishes or as a chutney for grilling.
Preparation Tip:
Unripe and therefore green tomatoes are not suitable for consumption due to the high content of solanine (toxin). Use only ripe, green tomatoes - these are own tomato varieties!Shelf life: 6-8 months