Garlic Soup

Rating: 3.8571 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)



Remove the peel from the garlic cloves and boil them in 1 1/2 liters of milk or water. Add sage leaves and bay leaf, season with salt and pepper.

pepper. You can also add cayenne pepper and a little bit of lemon juice. Cook for 20 minutes. Then add the garlic

remove the garlic, the bay leaf and the sage. Grind the soft garlic or pass it through a sieve. Repeat the quantity in the soup.

the soup. Keep warm on low heat. Mix the yolks with the oil or whipping cream, whisking well so that the liquid mixes well.

mixed. Remove the soup from the heat, add the egg yolk mixture to the soup. Next, season with the nutmeg seasoning. Caution: Do not bring the soup to the boil again, otherwise the egg yolks will solidify. Remove the crust from the toast and mix with oil and Parmesan cheese, bake. Put the bread mixture into warmed soup plates and pour the soup over it.

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