Crispy Duck in Two Courses

Rating: 3.0 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)



A delicious recipe with red wine!

1. trim the wing tips from the ducks. Remove the tails and discard. Chop duck necks, hearts and gizzards, use liver elsewhere. Roast duck giblets in oil in a saucepan for 10 min. Add vegetable cubes and roast for another 5 min. Add paradeis pulp, roast briefly, fill up with red wine. Cook until the liquid is completely reduced. Add 1.2 liters of cold water, bay leaf, thyme and peppercorns. Simmer gently over medium heat for 2 hours, degreasing.

Pour the stock through a very fine sieve into another saucepan (yields 500 ml). Boil uncovered to 200 ml and perhaps season with salt, thicken slightly with cornstarch dissolved in a little cold water. Set aside until ready to serve, then reheat and bring to table with the 1st duck dish.

3. make crosswise incisions in the breasts of the ducks with a sharp kitchen knife. Season ducks inside and out with a little salt. Brush the breasts with the tapenade. Tie legs together with spaghetti. Place ducks in a juice pan and add 200 ml lightly salted water. Bake in heated oven at 190 °C on the 1st rack from the bottom for 1 hour, 10 minutes.

Cook for 1 hour, 10 minutes (gas 2-3, convection oven 170 °C, add 200 ml water). Take the ducks out of the oven and remove the breasts. Put the ducks with legs back into the stove and cook for another half an hour. Cut each breast into 4 s

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