Chicken Breast in Cheese Coat – *

Rating: 4.25 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)


Tomato compote:



Have you tried this zucchini recipe?

(*) on tomato compote with vegetable spaghetti Preparations Make spaghetti in light salted water with a few drops of oil al dente, drain cooled, drain.

Remove the peel from the carrots, grate the zucchini well with kitchen paper, cut both into oblong strips.

Mix egg and mix well with grated cheese. Season chicken fillets on both sides with salt and pepper.

Preparation Flour chicken breasts on both sides, pull through cheese egg, fry in hot canola oil on both sides until golden brown.

Tomato compote: heat a frying pan with a little clarified butter, sauté the spring onions and garlic, add the black olives and tomato fillets, season with salt and pepper, pour in the tomato juice and cook gently for a short time.

Sauté vegetable strips in hot clarified butter, season with salt and pepper, add spaghetti and sauté.

Arrange tomato compote as a mirror on a flat plate and put the chicken breast on it. Serve with vegetable spaghetti and garnish with basil.

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