Buttermilk Wedges with Strawberry Sauce

Rating: 3.8 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)



Soak gelatin in cold water. Rinse oranges under hot water, peel thinly and cut into narrow strips. Squeeze out juice. Stir together buttermilk, orange juice, 50 g powdered sugar and half of the orange peel. Squeeze gelatine, let it melt at low temperature and stir into the buttermilk. Whip the cream until stiff.

As soon as the cream begins to set, fold in the whipped cream and fill the cream into a cooled, rinsed out loaf pan (approx. 1 l capacity). Leave to cool for about 3 hours. Defrost the strawberries and crush them. Season with the remaining powdered sugar. Peel kiwis, halve and cut into slices. Dip the cake pan briefly in hot water and turn out the cream from the pan.

Cut Krem into slices and cut in half to form triangles.

Arrange buttermilk corners with strawberry sauce and kiwi slices on plates. Serve garnished with the remaining orange zest.

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