Apple Yogurt Mousse

Rating: 3.8182 / 5.00 (11 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


possibly for garnish:


Rinse the apples (except for 1/2 apple), cut into pieces and sauté in the melted fat on 2 1/2 or automatic heat 9-11. Add 2 tbsp. juice of one lemon, 30 g sugar as well as the apple juice and cook for 20 minutes with closed lid on 1 or automatic cooking zone 5-6. Strain through a fine sieve, season with sugar.

Soak the gelatine in cold water, squeeze it out and let it melt in the hot apple puree. Stir the yoghurt into the cooled apple puree and refrigerate. When the cream begins to gel, whip 200 ml of whipped cream until stiff, fold in, fill into bowls and refrigerate.

Cut 1/2 apple into small wedges, sprinkle with 2 tbsp juice of one lemon. Garnish the mousse with 100 ml whipped cream, apple slices and perhaps baby apples and mint.

Note: Baby apples are preserved in syrup. The apples are available in good grocery stores.

Tip: Use a regular or light yogurt, yes, as needed!

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