Matjestatar on Pumpernickel

PREPARATION Place the matie fillets briefly in cold water. Remove from water and pat dry well with kitchen paper. Cut the tomato crosswise, scald briefly, rinse and skin. Then quarter, core and cut into small cubes. PREPARATION Cut shallot, pickled gherkin and matie fillet into very small cubes and mix well with the finely chopped … Read more

Lobster Armoricaine

Just before Christmas, Jean-Marie Dumaine has prepared a very special recipe, if necessary – he says – the highlight of French cuisine gar: Lobster Armoricaine. The language and cooking experts argue whether the dish should be called “lobster americaine” or possibly “lobster armoricaine”. Jean-Marie Dumaine decides for the latter, because the Côte d’armor is the … Read more

Chicory Casserole

Cook the prepared chicory stalks (discarding the bitter core at the bottom) in salted water with a little bit of juice of a lemon for 20 min on low heat. Cut the drained stalks into small pieces and place them in a greased shallow gratin dish. Mix the minced meat with the finely chopped onion, … Read more

Trout Fillet Wrapped in Bacon – A.Herrmann

Trout fillet wrapped in bacon with cucumber cold dish. Cut the trout fillets into three to four cm pieces. Rinse the tarragon, shake dry, pluck the leaves and cover the trout fillets with it. Place two slices on top of each other ~ with tarragon in between, skin side out – and wrap completely with … Read more

Salmon with Oyster Mushroom Stuffing

A delicious mushroom dish for any occasion! Heat the oil and butter in a frying pan and sauté the garlic and finely diced shallots until soft. Chop the oyster mushrooms, add them and season with salt and freshly ground pepper. Steam until the mushrooms are soft. Add chives, chopped and continue to cook for about … Read more

Venison Pate.

1 kg of a quite juicy roast venison loin or venison leaf is put through the meat machine twice with 3/4 kg of raw fat pork. Stir 12 to 14 dkg of fresh butter until creamy, add 1 grated onion, 6 to 8 pieces of finely weighed truffles or mushrooms, which have previously been steamed … Read more

Bear Crabs with Port Wine Sauce

Remove the shells from the bear crabs (or shrimps), rinse the shells well. Fry the shells in hot butter and oil until brown. Extinguish with white wine and soup and simmer for 15 minutes with the lid closed. Then strain. Fry the crabs or shrimps in hot butter on both sides for 4 minutes, remove … Read more

Panna Cotta

For the panna cotta, soak gelatin sheets in cold water. Cut vanilla pods in half lengthwise and scrape out the pulp. Bring milk with sugar and vanilla pulp to a boil, strain. Add whipped cream, lemon and orange peel and bring to the boil again. Dissolve the squeezed gelatine in it and add Grand Marnier. … Read more

Veal Liver with Banana

Briefly rinse the calf’s liver, dry it. Cut into cubes or strips and dust with flour. Heat the oil in a coated frying pan and roast the liver on all sides for 6 minutes. Now remove and keep warm. Remove the gravy from the bottom of the pan with water, Madeira, red wine and the … Read more

Lasagna Alla Bolognese

Heat the oil in a frying pan. Peel and chop the onion and garlic and fry lightly. Add minced meat, brown for a few minutes. Next, mix in peeled tomatoes, crumble in bouillon cubes, season strongly with salt and freshly ground pepper. Stir well and simmer at low temperature for 30 minutes. Remove from heat … Read more